Tag: Book

Brandon Colker Knows The Secret To Fitness in His Book

Trying to promote fitness is a full time job in itself and without the use of social media, it’s nearly impossible. How else are you going to broadcast to the entire world without a cost? Facebook and Twitter do an amazing job, but in order to reach your broadcast the as many people as possible, that’s where blogging comes in.

51zKzlfyW5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_People love blogs people normally blogs are packed full of content that you can learn from or at least laugh at when reading about someone else’s adventures and experiences. I love blogs because I learn new exercises, eating tips, recipes, but mostly I like blogging because thanks to Brandon Colker and his book, “How to Make Big Bucks from Big Blogs,” I can now teach fitness through my blog while get paid.

The book is brilliantly illustrated and contains 10 key chapters listed in the table of contents. One of my favorite ones is without a doubt “Understanding the Importance of Consistency, Clarity and Quality” which is so true when dealing with your fitness and health. I can relate to this chapter of the book so much because fitness is all about consistency and quality meals and workouts.

Overall, from what I have read of the book, I would highly recommend it. Brandon Colker supercedes my expectations and wrote a winner!