Tag: Wood Harris

Three Fitness Lessons to Learn From Celebrities

Everyone wants to get fit and have that petite or muscular body. However, very few want to go through the right process that will help them reach that goal. One thing you need to know is that nothing comes easy and you have to work and be committed before you can achieve anything. Most celebrities have those body-goals that you all admire to have, but before you continue with your fantasy, there are few things you can learn from them. Do you want to lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle or simply maintain your current body shape or weight? Do want to look like your favorite musician, actor, athlete or any other personality? You are in the right place because Wood Harris has identified a few fitness lessons you can learn from such celebrities.

1. Appreciate Your Imperfections

Before you start your fitness routine appreciate who you are and how you look. Motivate yourself to look better for yourself because if you want to change for other people, you may never love yourself right even after shedding some weight. Some people start their work out because they want to impress their partners or are competing with other people and this is wrong because your motivation does not come from you but external forces. Begin by loving yourself just the way you are and purpose to look better for yourself. The good thing is that you will still love yourself if your body goal doesn’t come or it takes longer than you expected. In fact, laugh about your imperfections and work-out at your own pace.

2. Be Patient And Consistent

Now that you have started to work-out do not start looking at your mirror after two days to see a new muscle or a flat stomach. It will take time, and you must be prepared to wait before you start seeing the results. If you start looking for changes too soon, you might get disappointed and stop working out, and this would be a total loss. Follow your workout routine and be committed to it. Those celebrities that you admire took their time and effort to gain that body you see, and you should know that there is no short-cut this unless you want to consider plastic surgery. Again even after achieving their body-goals, they did not stop because consistency helps in maintaining it and this is why you see good looking people still working out in the gym.

3. Dieting Is The Key

Most fitness coaches will tell you that the main thing that will help you lose weight and attain your body goal is watching what you eat. Most celebrities with nice bodies will tell you the same. After all, you are what you eat. Wood Harris says that if you cannot watch what you eat, it will take ages or you will never achieve your body goal. Therefore, as much as a workout daily, you must also stick to healthy diets. The fact is that celebrities have very tight schedules and sometimes they may be tempted to feed on junks for lack of time to prepare or get healthy foods. However, those who have managed to maintain their fit body, focus on clean diets to not only remain trimmed but also for a healthy life.

Working-out successfully takes a lot of commitment and patience and it’s only those who stick to their goal will achieve their body goals. You will keep on admiring different celebrities because of their perfect bodies if you cannot follow some simple rules as eating a healthy diet, practicing patience and embracing who you are before, during and after you work out.